FREE GIFT! Receive Protein Shake - Strawberry - 6 Bottles on orders above €40!

Nutrition is one of the pillars of a healthy lifestyle. A healthy and balanced diet, that matches your current needs, is the key to achieve your goal(s): weight loss, muscle growth, weight maintenance...

We have set up a calculator that will help you identify your calorie needs, depending on your goal. It now goes one step further! It also uses all the information provided to calculate your personalized macronutrients ratio, starting with a tailored estimation of your protein needs.

You will then find a selection of products that fit your goal here.

Enter your information to see your results


Your results:

Your daily intake needs:

  • Kcal/Day

  • G Protein/Day

  • G Fat/Day

  • G Carbs/Day

Your intake breakdown:

Don’t forget, a balanced and varied diet is needed to achieve your sports goal. In addition to a balanced diet you can add sports nutrition protein sources.

How to identify your activity level?

Activity Level: Daily Activities:   Physical Activities:


Spending the day mostly sitting (desk job) doing daily activities(i.e. housework) and No or little (15 mins or less) intentional exercise daily

Lightly Active

Spending the day mostly sitting (desk job) doing daily activities(i.e. housework) and Light exercise (20 mins at least) intentional exercise daily

Moderately active

Moving a lot throughout the day or job that requires that you walk or stand most of the day (i.e. waiter) and Light exercise (20 mins at least) intentional exercise 1-3 days per week


A physically demanding job (i.e. construction work) or Intense exercise 5-6 days per week

Very active

A physically demanding job or Intense exercise most of the week, extra heavy workouts or trainings x2 a day